Saturday, August 11, 2012

Using Twitter For Business As A Tool For Success | Internet and ...

Using Twitter for business has become quite prevalent in the social media. Many entrepreneurs used to think that Twitter was only for the big players in the online world. Little did they know that if there were anyone who would benefit more from the social networking site, it is the small business owners. It is now quite common that small entrepreneurs who may not even have their own website are greatly benefiting from tweeting about their business. In this article, let?s get to know more about the technique and how beneficial it can be in business promotion.

Before you can do anything in Twitter, you need to sign up for membership first. The instructions are easy and the process is fast. In a minute or two, you?d be ready to post your first tweet. A tweet can only be 140 characters in length or less, hence, if you have a long message, you should make it as concise as possible. Then, everyone connected with you, also known as your followers, will be able to read your update.

Twitter for business can be effective because it?s quite personal. It?s like word-of-mouth in digital version. If you have an announcement to make, a product or service to be launched, or an invitation to send, the site can be a convenient platform to use. Apart from these, there are other things that you can enjoy when using Twitter for business. Here?s a quick list:

First, the site allows you to break any communication barrier. Many people will not return calls but they will most likely reply to tweets. For some reasons, they feel that it?s a lot easier to talk through Twitter than other means.

Two, the social networking site allows you to perform better customer service. Because you?re reachable and people are already comfortable talking to you, you can serve them better. Whenever there are questions, apprehensions, suggestions, and the likes, the folks in your network can easily bring them up and let you know. In return, you can address their concerns immediately too. What an efficient way of serving your customers, right?

Third, you can monitor the performance of your offerings more easily through Twitter. Because it shows real-time posts and conversations, you can hear about customers? feedbacks as soon as they start utilizing your product or service. This is very advantageous because you will have an idea of how your offerings are fairing in the market. If they need any boost of some sort, you can give it readily on time. If they are just doing OK, then you can start drafting some next possible blog launches.

Four, using Twitter for business doesn?t just update you of your product?s performance but the latest news and trends too. Being up-to-date can be very helpful to your venture because it gives you a competitive weapon to thrive in the industry better. If you are always ahead of everyone, and the new craze is the name of your game, the public will certainly set their eyes on you. Now, any entrepreneur knows what this means and they would surely like to have it.

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