Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Italian Dinner Party Menu with Lovely Friends - Reluctant Entertainer

Sunflower table

I love my beautiful girlfriends, especially when they are in the kitchen. It warms my spirit to see their hands busy with food and drink and making everyone happy around them. They recently came together and created the most delicious Italian dinner party menu, for my birthday!

Mail Attachment

I love experiencing home cooked meals in other homes than mine! So this was a very fun night for me. To be honest, I get really tired of eating my own cooking. So it?s a treat to see how others set the table, use their own creativity and design, and come up with fabulous menus.

Entertaining is a lost art. Period. It?s true, some people still invite guests into their home. But the majority? Nope.

Sunflower table

For some reason, we think I attract those who like to entertain, because my husband and I never get caught in the cycle of ?always having the party at our house.? We get invited out a lot, and we feel very blessed to have so many talented and gracious friends.

Lady friends are the ones that really make it happen though. I have groups and pockets of friends all over, and I love how when we are together, we weave special moments of catching up, reminiscing, sharing recipes and talking a lot about our family and faith, and lives.

Recently we all came together in Jenny?s home. But I watched how everyone?s hands were involved from flowers to the food.

Dollar Store green goblet

Years ago, Jenny and I both bought the same Dollar Tree water goblets. So between us, I think we have about 100 of them. They never break. They are as sturdy as an ox. We also have the same olive green tinted Dollar Tree wine glasses! So pretty!

Repurposing a can for flower vessel

She and Kristi went searching in our friend?s yard for beautiful flowers to display on her tabletop. (Good idea!) And used the repurposed can method that I?ve written about here on RE.

Repurposing a can for flower vessel

The party was a milestone birthday for me, so I was blessed beyond words. I sat back and soaked it all in ? every word, smile, laugh, tear. It was a perfect night.


What draws me to people is their genuine, authentic spirit, and with this group of friends, even as cracked pots, our flaws and weaknesses, when we come together for a dinner party, we listen and love.

Italian Dinner Party Menu

We love, reach down deep for moments in our lives that define us, (sometimes we have to dig deep), and we tell stories of where we?ve been and where we are today.

It?s not the experiences that make us real. It?s the ability to be honest and share our lives with others.?Which all comes back to entertaining, and having people around our tables for food and talk.

On this night, I couldn?t have asked for any more than the love that flowed in vast supplies.

It was rich and sweet and warm.

And I was blessed.

Do you think entertaining has become a lost art?

Jenny?s Italian Dinner Party Menu ?

Watermelon Feta Bites
Stuffed Mushrooms
Brie with fruit
Caprese Salad

Main Course:
Several green salads & bread
Meat and Sausage Lasagna
Vegetarian Manicotti with White Cream Sauce
Baked Rigatoni with Artichoke, Spinach and Pesto

Key Lime Pie
Tres Leche Caramel Cake

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Source: http://reluctantentertainer.com/2013/07/italian-dinner-party-menu/

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Correction: Baylor Alumni Association co-defendant, not plaintiff, in lawsuit against university

YNN published a story last week regarding a lawsuit over the proposed destruction of the Baylor Alumni Association Center to make way for part of the school?s new football stadium. That story contained a fundamental inaccuracy.

The Baylor Alumni Association did not file the lawsuit against Baylor University, as the original story said. According to a spokesperson for the group, the suit was filed by a single member of the 17,000-member alumni association who did not represent the group as a whole.

The Baylor Alumni Association and its current and previous presidents were also named as defendants in the lawsuit.

Because of the litigation, a judge halted the demolition of the Baylor Alumni Association Center. There will be a hearing this Wednesday on the matter.

Source: http://austin.ynn.com/content/top_stories/292811/correction--baylor-alumni-association-co-defendant--not-plaintiff--in-lawsuit-against-university

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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Egyptian troops fire on pro-Morsi protesters, 1 dead

CAIRO ? Army troops opened fire Friday on protesters demanding the reinstatement of toppled President Mohammed Morsi, killing at least one, as supporters of the Islamist leader rallied across Egypt chanting "Down with military rule!"

The shooting threatens to escalate Egypt's confrontation, with Morsi's Islamist backers rejecting the army's ousting of the country's first freely elected president. Some heavily armed extremist groups have already vowed violent retaliation against the army, and before dawn gunmen in the Sinai launched a major attack on military facilities.

The army shooting came when hundreds of protesters marched on the Republican Guard building in Cairo, where Morsi was staying at the time of his ouster Wednesday night before being taken into military custody at an unknown location. The crowd approached a barbed wire barrier where troops were standing guard around the building.

When one person hung a sign of Morsi on the barrier, the troops tore it down and told the crowd to stay back. A protester put up a second sign, and the soldiers opened fire, according to an Associated Press photographer.

Several bloodied protesters fell to the ground. One had a gaping, bleeding wound in the back of his head. Other protesters carried the body into a nearby building and covered his head with a blanket, declaring him dead, according to AP Television News footage.

Health Ministry official Khaled el-Khatib confirmed that one protester was killed Friday and a number wounded, but he did not know the exact number. The Brotherhood's political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party reported five killed, but there was no immediate confirmation. Many of those injured had the pockmark wounds typical of birdshot. The BBC's Middle East editor, Jeremy Bowen, was hit by birdshot in the head as he covered the clashes. "Am fine," he reported in a Tweet.

Protesters pelted the line of troops with stones, and the soldiers responded with volleys of tear gas. The clashes appeared to ease with the start of midafternoon prayers.

Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague said he was "very concerned" by the reports of violence. In a Twitter message, he wrote: "Hope calm heads will prevail, vital to avoid escalation."

Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood called for Friday's protests, which took place at several sites around Cairo and in other cities. Officials of the group strongly urged their followers to keep the rallies peaceful. But the troops' use of deadly force is likely to fuel calls for violence among harder-line groups that gained considerable freedom to operate during Morsi's year in office.

The first major Islamic militant attack came before dawn Friday in the tumultuous Sinai Peninsula, killing at least one soldier. Masked assailants launched a coordinated attack with rockets, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-aircraft guns on the airport in the northern Sinai city of el-Arish, where military aircraft are located, as well as a security forces camp in Rafah on the border with Gaza and five other military and police posts, sparking nearly four hours of clashes.

One of military's top commanders, Gen. Ahmed Wasfi arrived at el-Arish on Friday to lead operations there as the army declared a "war on terrorism" in Sinai. A crowd of Morsi supporters tried to storm the governor's office in the city but were dispersed by security forces.

The night of Morsi's ouster, jihadi groups held a rally in el-Arish attended by hundreds, vowing to fight. "War council, war council," a speaker shouted, according to online video of the rally. "No peacefulness after today."

Islamic militants hold a powerful sway in the lawless and chaotic northern Sinai. They are heavily armed with weapons smuggled from Libya and have links with militants in the neighboring Gaza Strip, run by Hamas. After the attack, Egypt indefinitely closed its border crossing into Gaza, sending 200 Palestinians back into the territory, said Gen. Sami Metwali, director of Rafah passage.

In Cairo, a crowd of tens of thousands of Morsi supporters filled much of a broad boulevard outside a Cairo mosque several blocks away from the Republican Guard headquarters, vowing to remain in place until Morsi is restored. The protesters railed against what they called the return of the regime of autocrat Hosni Mubarak, ousted in early 2011.

"The old regime has come back ... worse than before," said Ismail Abdel-Mohsen, an 18-year old student among the crowds outside the Rabia al-Adawiya Mosque. He dismissed the new interim head of state sworn in a day earlier, senior judge Adly Mansour, as "the military puppet."

"After sunset, President Morsi will be back in the palace," they chanted. "The people want God's law. Islamic, Islamic, whether the army likes it or not."

Mohammed Abdel-Fattah travelled from the southern city of Aswan earlier this week to join the rally, which has been in place since last weekend. "We elected him he is our representative we have to obey him in time of war and peace. Do they have to deprive me of my voice this way?" said Abdel-Fattah, dressed in the white robes of an ultraconservative Salafi.

The military forced Morsi out Wednesday after millions of Egyptians turned out in four days of protests demanding his removal and saying he had squandered his electoral mandate by putting power in the hands of his own Muslim Brotherhood and other, harder-line Islamists. In the 48 hours since, the military has moved against the Brotherhood's senior leadership, putting Morsi under detention and arresting the group's supreme leader and a string of other figures.

The Brotherhood has said it will not work with the new military-backed leadership. Morsi supporters say the military has wrecked Egypt's democracy by carrying out a coup against an elected president. They accuse Mubarak loyalists and liberal and secular opposition parties of turning to the army for help because they lost at the polls to Islamists.

But many supporters have equally seen it as a conspiracy against Islam.

Many at Friday's protests held copies of the Quran in the air, and much of the crowd had the long beards of ultraconservative men or encompassing black robes and veils worn by women, leaving only the eyes visible. One protester shouted that the sheik of Al-Azhar ? Egypt's top Muslim cleric who backed the military's move ? was "an agent of the Christians" ? reflecting a sentiment that the Christian minority was behind Morsi's ouster.

The protesters set up "self-defense" teams, with men staffing checkpoints touting sticks and home-made body shields. There was no significant presence of military forces near the protests.

In southern Egypt, Islamists attacked the main church in the city of Qena on Friday. In the town of Dabaiya near the city of Luxor, a mob torched houses of Christians, sending dozens of Christians seeking shelter in a police station. Clashes broke out Friday in at least two cities in the Nile Delta between pro- and anti-Morsi demonstrators.

The night before, the military spokesman issued a statement urging all protesters to remain peaceful. In a message to Morsi's opponents, Col. Ahmed Mohammed Ali warned against "gloating," vengeance or attacks on Brotherhood offices, saying there must not be an "endless cycle of revenge."

The military has a "strong will to ensure national reconciliation, constructive justice and tolerance," he wrote in an official Facebook posting. He said the army and security forces will not take "any exceptional or arbitrary measures" against any political group.

The first steps for creating a post-Morsi government were taken Thursday, when Mansour, the 67-year-old chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court, was sworn in by fellow judges as interim president. A Cabinet of technocrats is to be formed to run the country for an interim period until new elections can be held ? though officials have not said how long that will be. In the meantime, the Islamist-written constitution has been suspended.

On Friday, Mansour dissolved the country's interim parliament ? the upper house of the legislature, which was overwhelmingly dominated by Islamists and Morsi allies. The Shura Council, which normally does not legislate, held legislative powers under Morsi's presidency because the lower house had been dissolved. State Tv reported Mansour's constitutional decree dissolving the body but did not give further details.

Mansour also named the head of General Intelligence, Rafaat Shehata, as his security adviser.

Badie and el-Shater were widely believed by the opposition to be the real power in Egypt during Morsi's term.

The National Salvation Front, the top opposition group during Morsi's presidency and a key member of the coalition that worked with the military in his removal, has proposed one of its top leaders, Mohammed ElBaradei, as interim prime minister.

That post will hold strong powers since Mansour's presidency is considered symbolic.

ElBaradei, a Nobel Peace laureate who once headed the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, is considered Egypt's top reform advocate.

Also Friday, the African Union suspended Egypt's membership in the group because of the military's action against Morsi.

AU Commission head Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma said in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, that the removal of Morsi falls under the AU doctrine on unconstitutional changes of government.

The AU usually suspends the membership of countries where the military ousts an elected government.

AP correspondent Sarah El Deeb contributed to this report.

Source: http://www.stripes.com/news/middle-east/egyptian-troops-fire-on-pro-morsi-protesters-1-dead-1.228995

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Internet and Businesses Online Article : How To Make Easy Passive ...

Many people wonder how with almost no skill someone can make decent passive income online. Here, you will discover a passive income business idea that can make you handsome amount of money just teaching a language online. Being a native speaker, you don't need any skill to start this way. However you will need to learn what people are looking for. If you intend to help people willing to learn English, you can easily convert your passion and interest into a money making idea. Let's explore how you can start arranging English classes online.

A guide on making easy passive income by teaching English on internet

Before you start over, you will need to understand the niche and demands. You have to understand what millions of people are searching online! There are several International English qualification assessment systems such as TOEFL, IELTS, and TEFL etc. You can focus on anyone of these and provide training online accordingly. Here's how you should organize things and create your presence online:

#1 Do Extensive Research

There are several popular certification systems from which you should pick one to focus on. IELTS is one of the most popular English skill assessment system. It has a specific and unique framework that makes it easier to approach as a teacher. However, you will need to do extensive research on the modules and test structures. Once your research is complete, you can move to phase #2.

#2 Setup A Website

In this stage, you have to prepare a platform where you'll provide the training to the students. A professional, decent website is essential for such educational websites. You can use an advanced Content Management System (CMS) to prepare the platform. This will save your time and you will just need a domain name and hosting account to run the online classes.

#3 Reach Out To The Students

Once you have completed preparing the website, you have to reach out to the proper audience. You will need to let others know about your services. This phase can also be termed as marketing phase. You have to consider the high search-volume keywords and try to rank them on the search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. This way, you will be able to generate clients from organic resources.

#4 Arrange Webinars And Meetings

By this time, you should have already received decent traffic to your website. Now, you have to wrap things up and start running classes on your website. You can use the webinar software and services to make it easy and more accessible for the students. A suitable communication system will help you get better response from existing students and new visitors. You can charge the students for attending the webinars and make decent amount of money for each session.

#5 Update And Enrich With New Materials

You have to keep the website updated and create a library with lots of materials. You can also start a members-only section and charge the students to get an access to that section. With a rich library, you can think about making full-time income from the members-only section.

You can monetize the website in different ways. And using different methods will maximize your earning potentials too! Try to build a quality platform with a helpful approach towards the students and you'll make more than you've thought!

Looking for other methods to make easy passive income online? Join us at http://www.passiveincomeformula.net and explore one of the strongest passive income generators ever. You don't need any skill or any experience. Join Passive Income Formula now to make passive income right away.

Source: http://contrarrelojfredosalas.blogspot.com/2013/07/how-to-make-easy-passive-income.html

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